How to play
Cricket players, fans, clubs, cricket media, schools, associations and governing bodies have the following options in how they choose to participate.
Become a
member and
play for free
- Sign up and create a profile for free
- Access great authoring tools to publish stories, news, interviews, match reports, videos and podcasts
- Publish content and share with your fans and followers.
Create your
own community
- Promote your profile page to club members, fans and others you'd like to invite into your community
- Access great authoring tools to publish stories, news, interviews, match reports, videos and podcasts
- Publish content to share and engage with your community
- The network to promote your business and occupation across the wider cricket community and win new business.
- Upgrade your account to stumpxi for only $16.00 per month
- 20% of stumpxi revenue is directed to grassroots cricket on a monthly basis
- Access stumpxi business member benefits