Splinters - The Bench Podcast
Sep 22 2021

That's got to be one of the longest Splinters titles we've had, and the Anthony ‘Raging Bull’ Caruso’s vendetta against one particular club seems to be just as ongoing!

Join him and the Matt ‘Wise Man’ Meers as they look at what some of the clubs bring to NSW Premier Cricket this season, when things might start, and who the Bull has it in for!

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Splinters - The Bench Podcast
The Bench is the leading sports show on Sydney community radio, broadcasting from 6pm-8pm every Friday on Triple H 100.1FM and streaming live on www.triplehfm.com.au Splinters is our weekly podcast. Splinters is a one hour podcast, replayed on Triple H on Tuesdays at 8pm. Each week, join two of our regular panellists as we dissect issues, preview major events and chew the fat on sport from across the world, the nation, the state, the city or just across the Hornsby Ku-Ring-Gai.

